I, for one, am heartily sick and tired of the world expecting the USA to be a paragon of virtue. Where did we get the silly notion that the other nations can all be as unreasonable, as horrific, as criminal as they wish to be, but that our country has to be the only one that is honorable, correct, and noble???

The liberals enjoy no end of lambasting President Bush’s selection of Iraq as one of our targets of reprisal for Nine-Eleven, but why do they not ever blast Al Qaeda for its choice of the World Trade Center as victim? Did that monstrous organization ever second-guess itself and its actions? But for some odd, nonsensical reason, the US is always supposed to do so. Our country, and only our country, is supposed to debate to death every move that it ever makes, and woe on it if it is ever so much as one percent in error. It’s supposed to justify, ad nauseum, to every man, woman, and child on the planet, every infinitesimal move that it ever makes. Now where is the justice, or the sense, in that???

I say that it doesn’t even matter which of our Muslim targets are more justifiable, and which are less so, if indeed there even is a “less so.” The only relevant, vital fact is that we chose some targets: that we did something. The Muslim world now knows, at the very least, that the United States cannot be trifled with, that it will respond, not merely with words, but with actions. The Muslims have to be at least thinking, “Oops, we got clobbered; we can’t just attack the US with impunity.” In fact, if we made any wrong choices, and that’s a very big “if,” then I say, “So much the better.” In my fence-fight, I learned that the best way in which to defeat nut-cases is to convince them that you’re even nuttier than they are. It makes them think twice before bothering you again.

So to the question of whether or not we should be in Iraq, if there even is a right reason to answer negatively, then I say, “No, because there should not still be any Iraq in which to be. We should have nuked the Middle East, period. When you have one group whose goal it is to wipe out all other groups, then that group is the one that is forfeit, for the good of all.”

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”

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