I just caught this on the net: “For years, the words "sci-fi" and "cool" were rarely uttered in the same breath. Do you mean to tell me that there are still some primitives out there who don’t realize that “cool,” just like everything else, is in the eye of the beholder??

What is it going to take before some goofballs figure out the obvious: that due to (1) genes, (2) upbringing (geared toward either the intellectual or Neanderthal-physical-sports), and (3) experience (triumph or calamity), different people have various different definitions of “cool,” if such a word can be considered appropriate as a euphemism for…“appropriate”…and…“positive”…and…“desirable.”

I don’t care whether it’s your chosen form of entertainment or interest, as in the aforementioned, whether it’s your favorite color, mode of dress, style of home, part of the country, choice of music, preferred foods, whatever: if you think that it is “cool,” then it is precisely that.

Whatever happened to the ‘60s catch-phrase, “Do your own thing?”

Don’t you have a brain? Can’t you think for yourself? Must you be a sheep? Don’t be dictated to by “the mob.” “The mob” consists mostly of mindless idiots.

In my grimmer, more satirical moments, I often tell this wry, non-joke: “What do you get if you cross a sheep with a parrot? Answer: a typical human being.” Please, folks: prove me wrong.

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