It is the height of arrogance to presume that we puny humans could possibly have any serious deleterious effect on an entire planet. Our activities are comparable to those of beavers damming up rivers. We are a part of nature, and our actions are just as “natural” as those of any sentient species that evolves on any planet in any galaxy.
Many periods of global warming have occurred throughout Earth’s history, as have ice ages. According to the History Channel, the most recent period of global warming was around the fifteenth century. (Obviously, we were not pouring “noxious chemicals” into the atmosphere then). It was a time of unprecedented prosperity. It was a tremendous boon to agriculture. The people enjoyed robust health; there were no plagues, because in the absence of severe winters, human immune systems were not being weakened and compromised as they always are during harsh winters, thus explaining why epidemics occur during winter; it even explains why we automatically refer to it as “catching a cold;” note, we do not say, “catching a hot.”
Something other than human activity is causing any apparent warming of the Earth, and we should thus welcome it. Most likely, the cause is within the Sun itself, because this “global warming” is Solar-System-wide. If you correct for the disparity in distance between Sun-to-Earth and Sun-to-Mars, Mars is losing its polar ice caps at a rate comparable to Earth’s. As my husband, Chris, so cleverly put it, “Unless you want to believe that little tiny Martians are driving around in their little tiny SUVs, we are not the cause of our own melting polar ice caps.”
Jupiter is also experiencing global warming. Being a gas giant, an exceedingly different sort of world, it is exhibiting its global warming very differently. It possesses no polar ice caps, but a startling increase in equatorial hurricanes is now being observed. They have become so numerous that hurricanes are colliding with each other.
Not surprisingly, Saturn has been the next planet hit with signs of global warming: its north-polar-region is exhibiting unexpected and unprecedented auroral displays due to the impact of increased solar particles.
Again, whatever the cause, we should welcome a time of probable increased comfortable climate and prosperity.
However, a far more ominous threat potentially looms. As I mentioned above, Earth has also endured periodic ice ages. And guess what?
We are about a thousand years overdue for one. And an ice age would wreak havoc on our civilization.
Instead of disparaging global warming, we should be cheering it on; it might stave off a potential ice age, or at least render it far more moderate.
And yet, despite all of these facts, there stands Al Gore, trying his mightiest to stampede the population into utter panic. To paraphrase Ann Coulter, poor Al Gore; he couldn’t manage to make himself president, but he just had to have some way in which to make some kind of mark on the world, even if it is a dangerously misleading one. Once a recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize is proven to be absolutely wrong and a total fraud, will the prize be taken away from him? I dearly hope so. And I hope that I live to see it.