Now it’s light-bulbs. Yes, you read correctly.

By 2012, they plan to eliminate incandescent bulbs. Is there nothing with which the proverbial “they” are busy “screwing” (if you’ll pardon the pun) up our lives?

“They” are so busy detailing how marvelous these new fluorescent bulbs are, that they’ve left the most important question unanswered: “WILL WE BE ABLE TO USE THE NEW FLUORESCENT BULBS IN OUR EXISTING LAMPS AND LIGHTING FIXTURES, AND WILL THEY BE COMPATIBLE WITH ALL OF OUR LAMPSHADES, INCLUDING THE CLIP-ON VARIETY????”

If they imagine for ONE MOMENT that I intend to replace every lamp, lampshade, and fixture in this house, then they have truly taken leave of their (theoretical) senses. Do you recall my article in which I expressed my love for my house and all within it? That, of course, includes my lamps and lampshades: each one hand-picked for its beauty and perfection within my particular style of décor.

Sigh. I guess that within the next few years, I shall have to begin hoarding incandescent light-bulbs.

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